
Always Do It Your Self

Easy DIYs for Summer

Arguably the season everyone would have been waiting for. It also signals a definite end to winter. That means fewer blankets, fewer clothes, and of course a lot of fun. Lakes and beaches are packed to the brim. Braai stands, food, music, friends. It’s a mood, as you visualize it, you can tell it’s a vibe. The African Sun is unrivaled, summer in Africa is a different ball game.  As is the norm in this digitally blessed era, we must capture such special moments.

Here are a couple of suggestions to save those special moments. Listen; these won’t take a lot of your time so you won’t really miss out on your online casino gaming.

1.      DIY Painted Leather Sketchbook

Personally, I am terrible at art but I have always been passionate. I tried numerous times and it seemed to get worse the more I tried. All the same, my lack of talent will not disregard a wonderful suggestion this is. As you are on the beach, you can sketch up what you see as you relax and enjoy yourself. Or as you take a walk,  it is impossible to fail to find something that will entice you.

2.      DIY Woven Balsa Wood Lamp

Spice up the mood in your room by giving life to the lamp you did not pay much attention to. Perhaps get matching curtains and a carpet to compliment the lamb.

3.      DIY Ombre Striped Pillow

Give your rooms a  warm fuzzy summer feeling to your household. A project is definitely worth considering.

4.      DIY Knotted Lamp Cord

Have you ever really paid attention to your hanging lights except for when it dies out? Bring them down for a bit and knot them with another card of a different color. The result is aesthetically pleasing.

5.      DIY Stitched Front Door

Decorate your front door. You must feel welcome every day you walk through it.  A set of flowers on either side of the entrance is a starting point.  Then an engraving dotted on the front door with the word “ WELCOME.”

6.      DIY Tree Branch Buttons

Ever heard of reducing, reuse and recycling? Well, you can apply that to nature’s babies as well. Small branches can be converted into adorable buttons for your shirt or any other decorative item that fits the bill

7.      DIY Tape Stencil Stationery

I reminisce about the days we used to send and receive letters. Those that were decorated with glitters and kisses. So I am going to send to a couple of friends some notes made using handmade stationery. They will surely take a trip down memory lane. How time flies!


As you can see from the above, there are so many things that you could do to make your house much more welcoming in summer. You just have to be creative enough. Follow these simple ideas to add fun to your life.